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I am about to show my age here but when I was in college flavored vodkas didn’t exist. What?! I know, I know…so weird especially when you go to the liquor store now and it’s almost impossible to find plain vodka because there is every flavor imaginable on the shelf! I have tried a few and they are ok but trust me when I say they just don’t have the same kick as homemade flavored vodkas. I have been working on a few different recipes and today I will share with you one of my absolute favorites, Jolly Rancher Infused Vodka.
I clearly remember being at a fraternity party and one of my best friends and I sipping in our Smirnoff Ices and popping jolly ranchers into them so we could flavor them. We were nothing but classy…HA! But that got us thinking that if we could flavor our individual drinks then we could flavor an entire bottle and BOOM an idea was born and we never had boring vodka again.
For this recipe all you need is vodka and jolly ranchers. I also made a bubblegum vodka at the same – recipe coming later this week!
Now you can use any vodka you want, I chose Smirnoff because that’s the brand I’ve always used when infusing vodkas. I know some people who infuse with super cheap brands and the flavor just isn’t there to me and some people who infuse with super expensive brands but I say why mix those, just drink them! HA!
Nest you need to separate the Jolly Rancher flavors and I actually had to go buy another bag because the first bag I bought hardly had any Green Apples
For this recipe I used 20oz wide mouth Ball Jars and put 20 unwrapped Jolly Ranchers in each and then I filled the rest up with vodka.
After letting them sit on my counter for a while I put them in my pantry and let them sit for a few days and then I took them out and gave them a good shake. If you don’t shake them then the Jolly Ranchers will just for a big, sticky blob at the bottom of your container and it will be impossible to get them to separate and mix. This pic is pre-shake…
…after I shook it then the whole thing was blue!
About two weeks in I tool them out and shook them all really good again and viola! They were done! I was actually worried the Cherry (red) and Watermelon (pink) would look similar because the Jolly Ranchers are similar in color but they are two distinct shades of red and pink and they both taste delicious!!
And that. my friends, is how you make Jolly Rancher Infused Vodka! When you are finished you will have 20oz of Cherry, Grape, Green Apple, Blue Raspberry, and Watermelon Vodka to do with whatever you want! You better bet I have some yummy recipes for these bad boys and will definitely be sharing those with you soon!
Have you ever made Jolly Rancher Infused Vodka??
What’s your favorite vodka flavor??
- Unwrap 20 Joly Ranchers in whatever flavor you want and place in the bottom of a 20oz wide mouth Ball Jar.
- Fill jar with vodka up to the top.
- Place in a cool, dark space.
- Take it out every few days and shake it up.
- Enjoy responsibly!
Jeanette says
OK now that just looks like I need to invite my girlfriends over and have a girls night in! I am totally making this!
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle says
Oh wow! This is the best use of vodka I’ve ever heard of! Fruity, delicious, buzziness awaits!
Annemarie LeBlanc says
Interesting! There are a lot of flavored vodkas we can buy, but to make your own is tops! I am trying this out this weekend. :)
MyTeenGuide says
Now, this is something my husband and I will enjoy. I can’t believe it can be flavored with Jolly Ranchers. I need to try this.
Sarah says
This looks really cool, what a neat idea to infuse vodka with jolly ranchers. I love the colorful results of doing this!
lisa says
Ok, I have to try this. I have mason jars just waiting to be used and this would be a great use!
rika says
This recipe looks amazing and sounds very fun to make! The perfect recipe for summer pool party
Travel Blogger says
Oh. My. Yum. Yeah, I could probably get into some trouble with this.
Jennifer says
I had something similar to this once at a conference except they used rock candy and it was fabulous! This looks so good and easy to make too.
Kathy says
That looks really good. I love the flavor of Jolly Ranchers. This has got to be good too.
Lynndee says
My husband loves vodka. But I don’t think he has tried something like this. Will have to ask him, or better yet, I will just serve him one without asking. :)
Jay Simms says
I have seen this before and it looks like it would taste delicious. I have seen it made with starburst too. I tried this before with making gummy bears.
Vera Sweeney says
Oh my gosh these look amazing! I can’t believe I have never tried this before, the watermelon would be my favorite!
Laura Funk says
Yup, you had me at vodka. I know what I am making for our summer BBQ’s now. This is perfectly easy!
Terri Beavers says
I love Jolly Ranchers as much as my grand kids do. I bet this beverage taste amazing. I’ll have to share this recipe with some friends who I know would agree.
Christy Garrett says
I am with you on the flavored alcohol. It usually isn’t strong and you can hardly taste it. Plus, the jolly ranchers make your drink look pretty.
Jamie says
We have an abundance of vodka in our freezer (no idea why lol) and now I know what to do with it. K is going to think I’ve lost my mind! Lol
Angie says
I’ve never tried this, but I’ve always wanted to. I don’t like the flavor of Vodka at all, but if it tasted like Jolly Ranchers I might be able to drink it! Haha!
HilLesha says
I believe I have heard of this, but never actually tried it before. I seldom drink, but I may have to give it a try sometime!
Eloise says
looks like a perfect ‘Ladies Night’ drink! bet it tastes really good… ut-oh, that could be trouble!
Shaney Vijendranath (youbabyandi) says
Never ever thought about this. This is brilliant – so want to try it after I stop breastfeeding. ;)
Joey Simmonds says
I am going to try this. I also have a jar of moonshine I will try it with also.