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I am so incredibly thankful this year. I am thankful for my family. They are all safe, healthy, we didn’t suffer any huge losses this year, all of my nieces and nephews are growing like weeds, and I get to see them all in a few weeks at Christmas.
I am thankful for my Sophie puppy. I am thankful that every night when I come home from work or school she is always excited to see me. She is my little heater when we go to bed at night and she loves her belly scratched right before bed time. She is silly and playful and I love her so much!
I am thankful for my friends. We have supported each other through birthdays, moves, trips, new jobs, and so much more. I love you all and I am so glad Libby and I got to go on the trip of a lifetime and that I get to see Jenn and Rebekah next month in Vegas!
I am thankful for my jobs. I work at two amazing hospitals in the central Arkansas area and I love both of them equally. I work with some amazing people, get to see some amazing things every day, and I feel like I learn something everyday.
I am thankful for school. I am thankful for the opportunity to go back and learn something I am really interested in. I am thankful for the friendships I have made along the way and the opportunities I have had. I am thankful that I will be finished next May and won’t have to worry about Accounting II anymore.
I am thankful for the roof over my head and the car I drive. I am thankful that I am able to own my own home as a single lady and that I am able to afford a reliable car to drive to school, work, and wherever I need to go.
I am thankful for this blog and the opportunities it has afforded me. I am thankful for all of the amazing people I have met through blogging and the opportunities I have had to go places, review products, and get paid to do what I love!
I am thankful for memories. I am thankful that I get to see the people I have loved and lost through pictures, memories, and dreams. I miss my Mom so much but these things help.
I am thankful for life. I am thankful that I am able to be thankful because I am here and I am alive and I am ready to take on this beautiful thing called life. No matter how many ups and downs there are I am still thankful to be here.
I am thankful for the future. I am thankful for a future filled with so many opportunities that I am not even aware of. I am just along for the ride and I hope it’s a good one.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle says
I absolutely love this! We should always remember to be thankful all the time, not just on Thanksgiving.
Megan Elford says
I love that we have a holiday that is specifically for giving thanks. We take so many things for granted, when really we need to foster an attitude of gratitude. Your’s is a great list, and it’s inspired me to make my own!
Jeanette says
What a wonderful post! There are so many things that we have to be thankful for, I think you list about sums it up for me too.
Liz Mays says
This is so sweet. These are great things to be thankful for. It’s important to remember these things!
Jenn says
What a positive and uplifting post! Too often people complain about what they don’t have instead of thankful for what they do! Thank you for sharing what you are thankful for! I wish you a great Thanksgiving!!
alexandria says
Thanks for sharing this. It’s always nice to hear these things from people. It makes me realize too that I should be thankful that I can be thankful for so much!
Robin {Masshole Mommy} says
I have so much to be thankful for in my life – especially my wonderful family. We are definitely blessed.
Crystal Lopez says
Your shares are wonderful! I can relate with several of the things you are thankful for. It is truly a time to reflect and acknowledge all that we have even in the simplest form!
Annemarie LeBlanc says
I am thankful for my family, my friends, my job. I am thankful for the roof over our heads, food on the table, and savings in the bank. The best thing I am thankful for is the blessing that I am able to wake up everyday to a new morning. I thank God for His providence!
Dogvills says
We all have so much to be thankful for. I am thankful for my family, my twin granddaughters, my parents and my job.
lisa says
So many great things to be thankful for. I am thankful for my healthy family and friends, my job that lets me work from home, and the warm home in which we live!
Wendy says
Nice post! My father passed away last month and I am trying to still be thankful. We had 12 extra years with him after his second bout with cancer. Thankful for those years.
Up Run for Life says
You sound super blessed. Your puppy is beautiful. I have three myself. I am super thankful for my family, kids, 3 puppies, and my friends.
Wood Arts Universe says
It’s nice to be thankful to everyone around us because we are always blessed in so many ways. For me, I’m thankful even with the small things. :)
Mistee Dawn says
Sounds like you have a lot to be thankful for! And your puppy is so adorable!
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly says
People often forget to take stock and an attitude of gratitude for what they do have, so kudos! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Rosey says
I love a good thankful list. I am happy my family is all safe and happy too.
Risa says
It sounds like you have a lot to be thankful for and your puppy is adorable! It’s important that we take the time to think about the blessings in our lives because so often we tend to dwell on the stresses and the negatives.
Lynndee says
I am blessed and I am thankful. It’s good to know those things that you are thankful for. Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
Digna says
How very true. We should all be thankful for the things we have on a daily basis, not once a year. Thank you for sharing.
Aisha Kristine Chong says
Gratitude is always a form of love and there are times when we should always be reminded to always be thankful to everything – everyone. Such a wonderful post!
Shanéy Maharaj says
Beautiful post. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in South Africa, but I’m thankful for so many things too.
Ricci says
Thank you!!
Krystal says
It’s always nice to pay thanks to those who impact us in a positive way! Hope you had a happy holiday!
Adriana says
Such a great post : ) its always good to reflect on what you’re thankful for to put things into perspective!
xo Adriana – Daily Dose of Design
Mimi "MimiCuteLips" Green says
Thanks, we had a great Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for as well.
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen says
Happy Thanksgiving! Your Sophie is too adorable.