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I went to see 50 Shades last Friday and I loved it. Before I walked into the theater I posted a little “Question of the Day” on my blog’s Facebook page and didn’t even think about it again until I walked out and saw the million and one notifications on my phone about that post.
I honestly didn’t know that anyone that liked my page would have such a strong reaction to me seeing that movie. I also wasn’t expecting the rude comments I got on my Instagram account I got for this picture either. Maybe because it was captioned “Channeling my inner Christian Grey”??
Today I thought I would share with you my thoughts on the movie. First of all let me preface this by saying that I read all three books when they first came out and I loved those as well. I do not think that Christian and Ana’s relationship was one of abuse nor do I think that she was raped or forced to do anything against her will. I do not like that fact that she was a virgin in the books/movie because I can’t see anyone who has never had sex before doing those things that quickly.
Also can I just say that I am talking about fictional characters and not real people? The way people reacted you would think that these were real people. Ugh.
Back to the movie. I bought my tickets well in advance and saw it with a good friend. We both loved it and didn’t see any problems with it. If you read the books then you know that the relationship between Christian and Ana is very awkward to start and in the second and third book you really see the love. The movie left out a lot and actually a big part of what it left out was the sex.
A lot of people commented on my Facebook post that this movie was pornography. Think what you will but I have to see penetration in order to call it pornography and there was none of that shown in the movie. I also never saw either character full frontal though you could definitely tell from the side views that they both need a good wax, if I’m being honest…and I always try to be on this blog.
Without trying to give too much away for those who want to see the movie I will stop this post here because I hate spoilers!!
If you have read the book and want to see the movie I don’t think you will be disappointed. If you haven’t read it or watched the movie then how are you judging what you haven’t even read or seen?
So please tell me dear blog readers, will you be seeing 50 Shades of Grey?
Why or why not?
Loving this post Ricci! The comments from people that haven’t read and are only going on what they have heard drove me absolutely batty this weekend and I had to stay off Facebook. I can’t believe the comments you posted, and yet I can. Opinions. I thought Dakota was fabulous in her role and I do agree that the first book wasn’t where we see their relationship really grow and I’m excited for the next movies!!
I saw the movie and I loved it. I hate the negative thoughts on this movie/books. People need to read the book and have an open mind about it.
This franchise has been very polarizing among bloggers. There are those who share my opinion and those who share yours. I don’t think reading the entirety of the series (instead of just the first portion, which I could not even finish because of the terrible writing) will change my opinion. The relationship has many red flags for being abusive, and I am not interested in reading about that. And I think I’m entitled to have that view, just as you are entitled to yours.
I only read the first book. It was just WAY TOO FAKE for my tastes. Yes, it was hot don’t get me wrong and it sucked me in, but when it was over I couldn’t bring myself to read the other two. I still have not decided if I am going to see the movie. Yet, have I found a neutral statement on it, it is either loved or hated. Here is my only TRUE issue with the movie… You and I and probably most of your readers are old enough to know that this is fiction. What about all those impressionable young girls (16/17/18) who go see this movie and it leaves them with the thought that..”well its ok if he hits me during sex” “well its ok if he is controlling over me” because of how this dominant/submissive relationship is played out as “love” on this silver screen? That is all…off my soap box now! I’ll let you know if I go see it! I might be singing a different tune, who knows!
i loved all the books and cannot wait to see the movie…I am just waiting until I can watch it in the comfort of my own home and cheaper! LOL!
Personally, the books and movie aren’t for me. But, I’m also not a fan of the Hunger Games series, which most people can’t believe. If people love the movie, great, enjoy it. But, I feel that the group of women that don’t like the concept of the books and movie have every much a right to state our opinion in our dislike. It seems that bloggers have made it you’re on ONE side or the OTHER and that’s not fair. Neither person is wrong and if we left it at that things would be ok. It just seems that everyone is soooo bent on changing the mind of the other side. Spoiler alert, it ain’t gonna happen.
Yep totally planning on seeing it. People can judge me all they want.