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I saw this on The SITS Girls Facebook page the day and it got me thinking…
…what am I passionate about? I realized that on this blog I haven’t been just really passionate about much. I try to stay middle of the road so I don’t offend anyone with my opinions but in real life, that’s not who I am.
I am passionate about this blog. I love writing and getting to interact with every single one of you. I have met some truly amazing women through blogging both online and in real life and for that I am grateful. I love writing about everything from my everyday life to special occasions and sharing my favorite recipes, beauty products, DIY projects, and just everything in between!
I am passionate about reading. I started reading at a very young age and remember staying up late with my flashlight under the covers devouring books as fast as I could. I still remember the day my Mom bought me my first Sweet Valley Kids book. I loved it!! And that led to The Boxcar Kids, The Baby Sitters Club, and every book I could get my hands on. I believe that every child should read books for fun and be swept away to far off places and only have happy endings.
I am passionate about my family. I love them to death. I wouldn’t be where I am today if they hadn’t both supported me and pushed me to be better and to do better. There are solo many times I have wanted to give up on certain things but I can always hear my Dad’s voice in my head saying “We don’t give up. If you start something you have to see it through to the end.” My family are pretty great motivators.
I am passionate about healthcare. No, I don’t like the way it’s going right now but that’s just the politics of it. I work in a hospital and I love my job. I love seeing people get good news and I love seeing people get better. I am particularly passionate about women’s health. I was always that friend in high school and college who took her friends to the health department or the college nurse to get them free birth control. I was always the advocate for birth control and safe sex and guess what? None of the friends I helped never got pregnant before they wanted to. I am very pro-life but at the same time I am very pro-birth control.
I am passionate about being myself. I like doing my own thing even if everyone else isn’t doing it. Guess what? I don’t have to follow the crowd to feel good about myself. I think confidence in just being yourself comes with time and age. I was certainly all about jumping on bandwagons and doing exactly what everyone else was in my early twenties. But when I “grew up” and realized that being myself was a whole lot cooler my life changed. I found real friends and life was just so much easier not having to keep up with everyone else.
What are you passionate about?
Girl, I am TOTALLY with you! I love passionate people — they just have a fire about them, and once you see that fire in someone’s eyes you know they mean it! I am super passionate about animal rescuing and have fostered over 20 dogs in the last year! Thanks for the great post!
I think you might be my oldest daughter’s age.. Those books you mentioned sound really familiar back in her younger days!
What am I passionate about??? I’d say… I’m passionate about being honest to others and yourself. Not putting on a mask and pretending you are someone you are not.
It’s your blog and the one place you should feel free to express yourself. You can’t please everyone. I’ve learned that in blogging and in life.
I’m passionate about my family, my health (that’s new for me), blogging, cooking, photography, and homeschool. I taught my kids from birth and then packed them off to school for 2 years, and then brought them home. I am very passionate about homeschool even though they are grown and gone. I still field phone calls, answer questions, test, help others find resources and counsel those considering the choice.
Be you and be proud of it, you are the only one JUST like you ;)
Spatulas On Parade
Passion: She’s gotta have it. (Lol!! I wrote a blog posts a couple of yrs ago entitled that.) I agree! Well said. I am passionate about God, my family & friends, reading/writing, serving others and laughing-a lot. =-)
I’m passionate about being the best person I can be. If I’m not, then everything connected to me suffers. Thanks for sharing!
I am glad you made a decision to be yourself……….. Good for you! It is something so important, yet many people are not themselves. We want to conform and fit in. Great post!
Fascinating post! I feel the same way when it comes to my blog. I am always afraid that if I write what I really want to say or vent that it will come back to haunt me. Thank you for sharing your passions :)
I love this post. Makes me stop and think. I may have to steal this idea and share what I’m passionate about with my readers.
No one ever wants to say it out loud, but I will. I’m passionate about making money. I help people and I’m good at my job. I want to make money because my real passion is my family. I like being able to take care of them, pay our bills and buy groceries…which brings me to another passion; cooking. I blog about my cooking adventures. Actually, it’s hard to pinpoint passions. I think most of us have more than we even realize!