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Hallelujah it’s finally Monday!
I had to work this past weekend so today is my Friday and I am counting it down! Since I had to work this past weekend I will tell you about last Thursday and Friday. My “weekend” I guess you could call it even though I did have to work for a couple hours on Thursday.
Anyway, what did I do? Lets see…
I slept in on Thursday and then I had to meet with my Advisor at 9. Did I forget to tell you that I am going back to school next fall?? When I started this blog 2 and a half years ago I had 4 goals…to live a healthier lifestyle, to get my breast reduction surgery, to buy a house by the time I was 30, and to go back to school. I have accomplished 2 of those, am still working on the healthier lifestyle, and now I am finally going back to school.
I am will be going to UALR (University of Arkansas at Little Rock) in the fall and working on another bachelor’s degree, this one in E-Commerce. It’s sort of a mix of a business and computer science degree. I am sooooo excited!!
Back to my story, I met with my advisor at 9 to work out my schedule and had to be at work by 1030. No big deal. Right? Well… meeting ran longer than I thought so I knew I was going to be late to work so I called and let them know and then I saw the sight no one ever wants to see. Blue lights flashing behind me. OOPS!
Is it bad that my first thought was of my 30 While 30 list and that I would have to tell ya’ll that I couldn’t go an entire year without getting a speeding ticket?!
So I got pulled over, gave the cop my info and paperwork, and her went back to his car. What seemed like FOREVER later (more like 5 minutes) he came back to my car and asked where I was going in such a hurry and I told him I was going to work and was going to be late and her asked where I worked. I told him the hospital and he said “My mama works there!” I asked him who his Mom was and lo and behold his Mama is my BOSS! What are the odds?!
I think he felt sorry for me then because he only gave me a warning ad let me go!! WOOHOO!! I can proudly say that no, I did not get a ticket and I am still good for my 30 While 30!!
Oh, and my boss laughed at me when I told her what happened….LOL!
Friday I woke up early and hit up Pure Barre!! I can honestly say that I do love this workout and will share more about it with ya’ll later!
After Pure Barre, I hit up Chick-fil-A for some Chicken Minis! YUM! I totally worked those off before I even ate them. That’s how I’m justifying it anyway…
After I got home I decided to finally go to the pool! My subdivision is on a golf course/country club and everyone who lives there gets access to the pool, tennis courts….etc. I hadn’t been yet this year and so I decided it was time. I think this is the latest I have ever waited to get my tan on.
I stayed at the pool a couple hours and decided to call it a day when it started getting overrun with little kids and their parents. Not that I don’t like little kids, I do, but I go to the pool to relax and read my book not get splashed and hear high pitched squeals and watch the parents not watch their kids. Yeah….not my thing.
I got home and played with Sophie and then we took a nap on the couch. When I woke up my skin felt a little tight on my chest and shoulders but I thought no big deal and I took a shower. OMG! I thought I was going to DIE! When I got out of the shower, I looked like a lobster!
Luckily I tan pretty quick after a burn and now (Sunday) I’m almost healed up! I have been using Aloe with Lidocaine and that has worked miracles for me! (I save the Preparation H for serious sunburns.)
So that was my busy “weekend”!! What did you do??
Holy moly! You are lucky you tan quickly after a burn. I’m so fair that I stayed red for over a week after my burn. Lucky you getting out of a ticket and good luck on your next degree!
That is too funny..what are the odds of the cops mom being your boss! LOL
Ouch that burn looks horrible. Please use sunscreen every hour from now on. :(
Ouch! That is a serious looking burn! Glad it’s getting better. So funny about how you got out of a ticket, luck was on your side I guess!
OMG that makes me skin hurt! I am glad you heal quick lady!
Holy smokes girl. That sunburn looks painful! Glad to hear you’re almost healed up now though. And glad you didn’t actually get a ticket!
That sunburn looks like a doozy! Glad to hear that you’re pretty well healed up already.
That is an INSANE sunburn!
That’s happy about no ticket!! But man, that’s a sunburn!!
Oh that sunburn looks painful!
I haven’t been to the pool yet and don’t think I’ll be getting to go. Our neighborhood pool isn’t open, but I didn’t go last summer since it sucks. It’s small and always overrun with kids.
Talk about luck with the cop! Too funny about that connection with your boss.
I wish my sunburns healed quickly!! haha