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You know how you listen to some songs and they bring back memories of certain moments in time? That has happened to me a LOT lately!
For example, I was driving to work the other morning and Etreme’s More Than Words came on the radio and it took me straight back to the beach. I remember going to the beach with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins one summer and drinnking Cherry 7-Up like it was going out of style and listening to that song.
Another song that reminds me of something is The Fugee’s Killing Me Softly. I remember listening this all week at basketball camp the summer before 8th grade. We would jam it! And sing every word. I still know all the words. LOL.
Celine Dion’s Because You Loved Me takes me back to a slumber party at Sara’s house. I think it was for her birthday and we went somewhere (?) and camped out in a tent in her backyard and I remember singing this song.
For some reason the first summer I went to Camp Tanako (church camp) all the girls in my cabin were obsessed with Louie Louie. I remember getting on the top bunks and singing it and playing air guitar. Oh to be 11 again….HA!
R.Kelly’s Remix to Ignotion. Enough said right there. This lovely little tune takes me straight back to college. I hear it and I immediately call or text me BFF. Spring 2004 right here!!
Lesley Roy’s Unbeautiful takes me right back to fall 2008. I had just started working nights and bought my Tahoe and I rememeber blaring this with all of the windows down and singing my lungs out! Good times…
Hope you have had fun taking a trip down memory lane with me!!!
What songs take you back??
I wanna know!!
Ricci, I love trips down memory lane, esp when it’s regarding music. :) I love old school music!! I love hearing the music from high school… man those were some good times :D
I like your new design!
loving the new design! (:
Love the new design and name change:)
I’ve been listening to a lot of old school music on my Pandora lately.
The new design is so fun! Weird fact: I don’t think I can listen to a song without thinking of the memories tied to it.
Oh hey there new name and design! Awesome!!
Also, I love that Celine song. Well really, I just love any and every Celine song. My Mama and Sister and I used to *always* listen to her together, and so now I always think of them whenever I listen to her nowadays! Fun post :)
Love love love the new blog design! Also, thanks for the shout out! I definitely remember that birthday/slumber party! Good times, good times! Thanks for reminding me of that great memory!
This is a FREAKING awesome post! I’m seriously going to copycat it soon. I have SO many good memories evoked by songs. It’s bittersweet, but, my breakup (last year- so long ago now!) made me realized just HOW greatly music impacts you and takes you back to a certain place and time. I’m really loving this.