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Happy Saturday!! Today I am back to my 30 Questions series. Here it goes…
Question 4: List 10 Things You Would Tell Your 16 Year Old Self, If You Could…
1. Short hair really does you no justice. Although this is really pointless advice because you will continue that vicious cycle of growing your hair out all year and cutting it off at the beginning of the summer. Every. Single. Year. You are nothing if but predictable.
2. Your parents really were right. About everything. You think you can’t wait to move out on your own and support yourself but your really not. Enjoy a responsibility life as long as possible!!
3. You really do have the best friends ever. Good friends are hard to come by and yours really are the best for this stage in your life. I believe that God puts people in your life for a reason. Some stay around forever but most move on and these friends you have really are the BEST.
5. An athlete you will never be. You will try and try again but lets face it, basketball and softball? Not your thing. But don’t worry, you will be good at other things later. You will find your niche.
7. Overalls? BURN THEM.
9. Life is not a competition, go at your own pace. You can still use this advice to this day.
10. Laugh. Laugh at yourself, laugh at other people, laugh with other people, laugh all the time.
#9 is very important!
I also have dark brown hair and have tried to go blonde in the past. It can be such a mess…my hair turned straw-like at one point.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! But seriously, the overalls? What were we thinking? LoL! Don’t forget about the “no-lifes”…we had an AMAZING time!