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Today is Friday and you know what that means. It’s time for…
That’s right, I am linking up again with Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds for Friday’s Letters! Here it goes…
Dear Pitch Perfect, Today is your opening day!!! I am soooo going to see you!!! I can’t wait!!!!
Dear Blog Readers, I hope you get to go see this movie too because I am sure to be quoting lots of it from here on out. Love that Fat Amy already!!
Dear Followers, Thank you sooooo much for helping my hit 50 this past week!!! I could not have done that without your support (duh) and to thank you I will be doing a 50 Fabulous Followers giveaway!! It will start sometime Sunday or Monday and go for a week. I am soooo excited about the things I have already gotten together for this!!!
Dear Co-Workers, I hope you all are SUPER PUMPED about my Second Annual White Trash Bash which will take place October 20. Mark your calendars now and get your best trashy costumes ready!!! I am already working on mine!!!
Dear Google+, I really don’t like you as another social media outlet. But I do love the fact that you saved all of my pictures when my iPhone, iTunes, and iCloud failed me. Thanks pal.
Dear Libby, Thank you for finally joining Facebook. It only took me 7 years of harassing you but you finally caved! HA!
Dear Sophie, Thanks for letting me sleep in until 9am today. I really needed it. I did not however appreciate you peeing in the floor and then trying to fake peeing on your puppy pad for a treat. That shit doesn’t fly in my house and even though you tried to pull your fake limp out when you got in trouble for peeing on my floor your not fooling me. I know you. I’m your Mom. Don’t pee on my floor!!
Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!!!!
Ashley Slater says
I bet pitch perfect is going to be hilarious! I can’t wait to see it myself! loved your letters, thanks for linking up with me!
Allie @ Tales of a TwentySomething says
I wanna see Pitch Perfect too! I love Fat Amy! She was hilarious in Bridesmaids :)
shelagh says
Pitch Perfect looks so funny! Sophie sounds like Franny – she can be soo fresh!!
Happy Friday!
SimplyHeather says
Hi from ‘Friday Letters’
I haven’t even heard of Pitch Perfect! Lol I haven’t been keeping up with TV and movies lately, but I’m about to go look it up. A good movie to go to would be fun for a change! Thanks for telling me about it (:
Have a good Weekend.
xox, Heather
Kate says
The Sophie letter cracke me up!
SweetMarie83 says
Congrats on reaching 50 followers! I’m not crazy about Google+ either. I don’t really see the point in it and not many people seem to actually use it, even though plenty of people are on there…but I have it anyway lol. I do enjoy clicking the little + button on people’s blogs! Have a great weekend!