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Today is Tuesday (aka Random Tuesday), which in my house is also known as allergy shot day. I don’t mind giving them to myself anymore but my arm is so sore after!! I guess that means it’s working tho?? I sure hope so…
I have gotten a good start on my summer reading list! So far I have read Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult and 50 Shades of Grey. LOVE LOVE LOVE both of them! I got Amazon Prime last week and am obsessed with the fact that you can order anything and it is at your house in 2 days flat. Why didn’t I know about this sooner?? I finished 50 Shades last night and the next two in the series should be at my house when I get home!!
I can’t believe it’s already season finale time for all of my shows! Boo! What will I do without my Grey’s, Private Practice, Make It or Break It, Heart of Dixie, Once Upon a Time and all the others?! I don’t knw what to do with all my free time now…LOL!
This past weekend was a busy one! Thursday I cut out of work early and got a pedicure! Friday I went to Branson to the Titanic Museum and did a little outlet shopping with my friend Elizabeth. Saturday my parents came up and we went to my nephew’s second birthday party and then we all went to a comedy club. Sunday I did absolutely nothing but relax. It was a great weekend!!
I finally bought a TomTom this week!! If you know me you know I can get lost crossing the street so this will come in very handy on any future roadtrips…LOL!
Guess I better get back to work…LOL!!
I just downloaded 50 Shades of Grey. I love it so far :)