First things first I am NOT a doctor or an insurance specialist. I can only tell you what I know from my own personal experience. My insurance covers bariatric procedures as long as you meet certain guidelines and I will talk about those below so the FIRST thing you should do when seriously considering any […]
Search Results for: weight loss
Why I had Weight Loss Surgery
I can’t even begin to tell you how may times I sat down to write this blog post. After my first doctor/surgeon appointment, after it was approved by my insurance, the night before surgery, the week after surgery. SO MANY TIMES. But alas, here we are almost 5 weeks post-op and I finally getting my […]
Losing Weight is HARD. Part 2
Remember this post I wrote way back in September? Yeah that one. I have been asked several times for an update and I have fully intended on doing so but haven’t felt like it deserved to be written because I haven’t been doing so good in the weight loss department the pst coupe of months. […]
Losing Weight is HARD.
There, I said it. Losing weight is HARD. I have started to write this post about five different times over the past couple of weeks but somehow just never could find just the right words. First, let me start by telling you that one of my goals on this blog, this incredibly highly public platform […]